The popularity of drones and the area of their application is becoming greater each year.
In this article I will show how to programmatically control Tello Ryze drone, capture camera video and detect objects using Tensorflow. I have packed the whole solution into docker images (the backend and Web App UI are in separate images) thus you can simply run it.
Before you will continue reading please watch short introduction:
The application will use two network interfaces.
The first will be used by the python backend to connect the the Tello wifi to send the commands and capture video stream. In the backend layer I have used the DJITelloPy library which covers all required tello move commands and video stream capture.
To efficiently show the video stream in the browser I have used the WebRTC protocol and aiortc library. Finally I have used the Tensorflow 2.0 object detection with pretrained SSD ResNet50 model.
The second network interface will be used to expose the Web Vue application.
I have used nginx to serve the frontend application
Using Web interface you can control the Tello movement where you can:
start video stream
stop video stream
takeoff - which starts Tello flight
rotate left
rotate right
In addition using draw detection switch you can turn on/off the detection boxes on the captured video stream (however this introduces a delay in the video thus it is turned off by default). Additionally I send the list of detected classes through web sockets which are also displayed.
As mentioned before I have used the pretrained model thus It is good idea to train your own model to get better results for narrower and more specific class of objects.
Finally the whole solution is packed into docker images thus you can simply start it using commands:
Machine Learning is one of the hottest area nowadays. New algorithms and models are widely used in commercial solutions thus the whole ML process as a software development and deployment process needs to be optimized.
On the other hand MLFlow is a platform which can be run as standalone application. It doesn’t require Kubernetes thus the setup much more simpler then Kubeflow but it doesn’t support multi-user/multi-team separation.
In this article we will use Kubeflow and MLflow to build the isolated workspace and MLOps pipelines for analytical teams.
Currently we use Kubeflow platform in @BankMillennium to build AI solutions and conduct MLOPS process and this article is inspired by the experience gained while launching and using the platform.
Before you will continue reading please watch short introduction:
AI Platform
The core of the platform will be setup using Kubeflow (version 1.0.1) on Kubernetes (v1.17.0). The Kuberenetes was setup using Rancher RKE which simplifies the installation.
By default Kubeflow is equipped with metadata and artifact store shared between namespaces which makes it difficult to secure and organize spaces for teams. To fix this we will setup separate MLflow Tracking Server and Model Registry for each team namespace.
importosimportwarningsimportsysimportpandasaspdimportnumpyasnpfromsklearn.metricsimportmean_squared_error,mean_absolute_error,r2_scorefromsklearn.model_selectionimporttrain_test_splitfromsklearn.linear_modelimportElasticNetfromurllib.parseimporturlparseimportmlflowimportmlflow.sklearnimportloggingremote_server_uri='http://mlflow:5000'mlflow.set_tracking_uri(remote_server_uri)mlflow.set_experiment("/my-experiment2")logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)defeval_metrics(actual,pred):rmse=np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(actual,pred))mae=mean_absolute_error(actual,pred)r2=r2_score(actual,pred)returnrmse,mae,r2warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")np.random.seed(40)# Read the wine-quality csv file from the URL
csv_url=("./winequality-red.csv")try:data=pd.read_csv(csv_url,sep=";")exceptExceptionase:logger.exception("Unable to download training & test CSV, check your internet connection. Error: %s",e)train,test=train_test_split(data)train_x=train.drop(["quality"],axis=1)test_x=test.drop(["quality"],axis=1)train_y=train[["quality"]]test_y=test[["quality"]]alpha=0.5l1_ratio=0.5withmlflow.start_run():lr=ElasticNet(alpha=alpha,l1_ratio=l1_ratio,random_state=42),train_y)predicted_qualities=lr.predict(test_x)(rmse,mae,r2)=eval_metrics(test_y,predicted_qualities)print("Elasticnet model (alpha=%f, l1_ratio=%f):"%(alpha,l1_ratio))print(" RMSE: %s"%rmse)print(" MAE: %s"%mae)print(" R2: %s"%r2)mlflow.log_param("alpha",alpha)mlflow.log_param("l1_ratio",l1_ratio)mlflow.log_metric("rmse",rmse)mlflow.log_metric("r2",r2)mlflow.log_metric("mae",mae)tracking_url_type_store=urlparse(mlflow.get_tracking_uri()).schemeiftracking_url_type_store!="file":mlflow.sklearn.log_model(lr,"model",registered_model_name="ElasticnetWineModel2")else:mlflow.sklearn.log_model(lr,"model")
I definitely recommend to use git versioned MLflow projects instead of running code directly from jupyter because
MLflow model registry will keep the git commit hash used for the run which will help to reproduce the results.
Now I’d like to propose the process of building and deploying ML models.
As described before the model is prepared and trained by the analyst which works in the Jupyter workspace and logs metrics and model to the MLflow tracking and model registry.
MLflow UI
Senior Analyst (currently the MLflow doesn’t support roles assignment) checks the model metrics and decides to promote it to Staging/Production stage in MLflow UI.
Model promotion
We will create additional application which will track the changes in the MLflow registry and initialize the deployment process.
The on each MLflow registry change the python application will check the database, prepare and commit k8s deployments and upload models artifacts to minio.
Because the applications commits the deployments to git repository we need to generate ssh keys:
importosimportjinja2importsqlite3fromcollectionsimportdefaultdictimportboto3importbotocoreclassWatcher:def__init__(self):self._model_deployment=ModelDeployment()self._model_registry=ModelRegistry()self._model_store=ModelStore()defprocess(self):model_groups=self._model_registry.models_info()formodel_name,models_datainmodel_groups.items():print(f'{model_name}:')formodel_datainmodels_data:print(f"- stage: {model_data['stage']}")print(f" path: {model_data['path']}")self._model_deployment.generate_deployment(model_name,model_data)self._model_store.upload_model(model_data)classModelDeployment:def__init__(self):self._create_dir('deployments')self._template=self._prepare_template()defgenerate_deployment(self,model_name,model_data):self._create_dir(f'deployments/{model_name}')stage=model_data['stage'].lower()path=model_data['path'].replace('/mlflow/mlruns','s3://qooba/mlflow')self._create_dir(f'deployments/{model_name}/{stage}')outputText=self._template.render(model=path)withopen(f'deployments/{model_name}/{stage}/deployment.yaml','w')asf:f.write(outputText)def_create_dir(self,directory):ifnotos.path.exists(directory):os.makedirs(directory)def_prepare_template(self):templateLoader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="./")templateEnv=jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader)returntemplateEnv.get_template("deployment.yaml")classModelRegistry:def__init__(self):self._conn=sqlite3.connect('/mlflow/mlflow.db')defmodels_info(self):models=self._conn.execute("SELECT distinct name, version, current_stage, source FROM model_versions where current_stage in ('Staging','Production') order by version desc;").fetchall()res=defaultdict(list)forsinmodels:res[s[0].lower()].append({"tag":str(s[1]),"stage":s[2],"path":s[3]})returndict(res)classModelStore:def__init__(self):self._bucket_name=os.environ['BUCKET_NAME']self._s3=self._create_s3_client()self._create_bucket(self._bucket_name)defupload_model(self,model_data):path=model_data['path']s3_path=path.replace('/mlflow/mlruns','mlflow')try:self._s3.head_object(Bucket=self._bucket_name,Key=f'{s3_path}/MLmodel')exceptbotocore.errorfactory.ClientErrorase:files=[(f'{path}/{f}',f'{s3_path}/{f}')forfinos.listdir(path)ifos.path.isfile(os.path.join(path,f))]forfileinfiles:self._s3.upload_file(file[0],self._bucket_name,file[1])def_create_s3_client(self):returnboto3.client('s3',aws_access_key_id=os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"],aws_secret_access_key=os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"],endpoint_url=os.environ["MLFLOW_S3_ENDPOINT_URL"])def_create_bucket(self,bucket_name):try:self._s3.head_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name)exceptbotocore.client.ClientErrorase:self._s3.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name)if__name__=="__main__":Watcher().process()
The model deployments will be prepared using the template:
No it is time to setup ArgoCD which will sync the Git deployments changes with Kubernetes configuration and automatically deploy newly promoted models.
Finally we can access model externally and generate predictions. Please note that in article the model is deployed in the same k8s namespace (in real solution model will be deployed on the separate k8s cluster) thus to access the model I have to send authservice_session otherwise request will redirected to the dex login page.
Cutting photos background is one of the most tedious graphical task. In this article will show how to simplify it using neural networks.
I will use U[latex]^2[/latex]-Net networks which are described in detail in the arxiv article and python library rembg to create ready to use drag and drop web application which you can use running docker image.
Before you will continue reading please watch quick introduction:
Neural network
To correctly remove the image background we need to select the most visually attractive objects in an image which is covered by Salient Object Detection (SOD). To connect a low memory and computation cost with competitive results against state of art methods the novel U[latex]^2[/latex]-Net architecture will be used.
U-Net convolutional networks have characteristic U shape with symmetric encoder-decoder structure. At each encoding stage the feature maps are downsampled (torch.nn.MaxPool2d) and then upsampled at each decoding
stage (torch.nn.functional.upsample). Downsample features are transferred and concatenated with upsample features using residual connections.
U[latex]^2[/latex]-Net network uses two-level nested U-structure where the main architecture is a U-Net like encoder-decoder and each stage contains residual U-block. Each residual U-block repeats donwsampling/upsampling procedures which are also connected using residual connections.
Nested U-structure extracts and aggregates the features at each level and enables to capture local and global information from shallow and deep layers.
The U[latex]^2[/latex]-Net architecture is precisely described in arxiv article. Moreover we can go through the pytorch model definition of U2NET and U2NETP.
The lighter U2NETP version is only 4.7 MB thus it can be used in mobile applications.
Web application
The neural network is wrapped with rembg library which automatically download pretrained networks and gives simple python api. To simplify the usage I have decided to create drag and drop web application (
In the application you can drag and the drop the image and then compare image with and without background side by side.
You can simply run the application using docker image:
docker run --name aiscissors -d-p 8000:8000 --rm-v$(pwd)/u2net_models:/root/.u2net qooba/aiscissors
if you have GPU card you can use it:
docker run --gpus all --name aiscissors -d-p 8000:8000 --rm-v$(pwd)/u2net_models:/root/.u2net qooba/aiscissors
To use GPU additional nvidia drivers (included in the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit) are needed.
When you run the container the pretrained models are downloaded thus I have mount local directory u2net_models to /root/.u2net to avoid download each time I run the container.
U2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection, Qin, Xuebin and Zhang, Zichen and Huang, Chenyang and Dehghan, Masood and Zaiane, Osmar and Jagersand, Martin Pattern Recognition 106 107404 (2020)
In this article I will show how to build the complete CI/CD solution for building, training and deploying multilingual chatbots.
I will use Rasa core framework, Gitlab pipelines, Minio and Redis to build simple two language google assistant.
Before you will continue reading please watch quick introduction:
The solution contains several components thus I will describe each of them.
Google actions
To build google assistant we need to create and configure the google action project.
We will build our own nlu engine thus we will start with the blank project.
Then we need to install gactions CLI to manage project from command line.
To access your projects you need to authenticate using command:
gactions login
if you want you can create the project using templates:
As mentioned before for development purposes I have used the ngrok to proxy the traffic from public endpoint (used for webhook destination) to localhost:8081:
ngrok http 8081
Currently in google action project is not possible to set different webhook addresses for different languages thus I have used NGINX and LuaJIT to route the traffic to proper language container.
The information about language context is included in the request body which can be handled using Lua script:
server {
listen 80;
resolver ipv6=off;
location / {
set $target '';
access_by_lua '
local cjson = require("cjson")
local text = ngx.var.request_body
local value =
local lang = string.sub(value["user"]["locale"],1,2) = "http://heygoogle-" .. lang
proxy_pass $target;
Rasa application
The rasa core is one of the famous framework for building chatbots. I have decided to create separate docker container for each language which gives flexibility in terms of scalability and deployment.
Dockerfile (development version with watchdog) for rasa application (qooba/rasa:1.10.10_app):
Using default rasa engine you have to restart the container when you want to deploy new retrained model thus I have decided to wrap it with simple python application which additionally listen the redis PubSub topic and waits for event which automatically reloads the model without restarting the whole application. Additionally there are separate topics for different languages thus we can simply deploy and reload model for specific language.
In this solution the redis has two responsibilities:
EventBus - as mentioned above chatbot app listen events sent from GitLab pipeline worker.
Session Store - which keeps the conversations state thus we can simply scale the chatbots
We can simply run Redis using command:
docker run --name redis -d --rm --network gitlab redis
Minio is used as a Rasa Model Store (Rasa supports the S3 protocol). The GitLab pipeline worker after model training uploads the model package to Minio. Each language has separate bucket:
To run minio we will use command (for whole solution setup use where environment variables are set) :
Notice that I have used gitlab hostname (without this pipelines does not work correctly on localhost) thus you will need to add appropriate entry to /etc/hosts: gitlab
Now you can create new project (in my case I called it heygoogle).
Likely you already use 22 port thus for ssh I used 8022.
You can clone the project using command (remember to setup ssh keys):
#!/bin/bashlang=$1echo"Processing $lang"if(($(git diff-tree --no-commit-id--name-only-r$CI_COMMIT_SHA | grep ^$lang/ | wc-l)> 0));then
echo"Training $lang"cd$lang
rasa train
rasa test
cd ..
python3 --language$langelse
checks if something have changed in chosen language directory, trains and tests the model
and finally uploads trained model to Minio and publish event to Redis using
importosimportboto3importredisfrombotocore.clientimportConfigdefupload_model(project_name:str,language:str,model:str):s3=boto3.resource("s3",endpoint_url="http://minio:9000",aws_access_key_id=os.environ["MINIO_ACCESS_KEY"],aws_secret_access_key=os.environ["MINIO_SECRET_KEY"],config=Config(signature_version="s3v4"),region_name="us-east-1")bucket_name=f'{project_name}-{language}'print(f"BUCKET NAME: {bucket_name}")bucket_exists=s3.Bucket(bucket_name)ins3.buckets.all()ors3.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name)s3.Bucket(bucket_name).upload_file(f"/builds/root/{project_name}/{language}/models/{model}",model)defpublish_event(project_name:str,language:str,model:str):topic_name=f'{project_name}-{language}'print(f"TOPIC NAME: {topic_name}")client=redis.Redis(host="redis",port=6379,db=0);client.publish(topic_name,model)if__name__=='__main__':importargparseproject_name=os.environ["PROJECT_NAME"]parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a ArcHydro schema')parser.add_argument('--language',metavar='path',required=True,help='the model language')args=parser.parse_args()model=os.listdir(f"/builds/root/{project_name}/{args.language}/models/")[0]print("Uploading model")upload_model(project_name=project_name,language=args.language,model=model)print("Publishing event")publish_event(project_name=project_name,language=args.language,model=model)
Now after each change in the repository the gitlab starts the pipeline run:
We have built complete solution for creating, training, testing and deploying the chatbots.
Additionally the solution supports multi language chatbots keeping scalability and deployment flexibility.
Moreover trained models can be continuously deployed without chatbot downtime (for Kubernetes environments
the Canary Deployment could be another solution).
Finally we have integrated solution with the google actions and created simple chatbot.
Today I’m very happy to finally release my open source project DeepMicroscopy.
In this project I have created the platform where you can capture the images from the microscope, annotate, train the Tensorflow model and finally observe real time object detection.
The project is configured on the Jetson Nano device thus it can work with compact and portable solutions.
Backend - Python application which handles the training logic
2. Platform functionalities
The most of platform’s functionality is installed on the Jetson Nano. Because the Jetson Nano compute capabilities are insufficient for model training purposes I have decided to split this part into three stages which I will describe in the training paragraph.
Projects management
In the Deep Microscopy you can create multiple projects where you annotate and recognize different objects.
You can create and switch projects in the top left menu. Each project data is kept in the separate bucket in the minio storage.
Images Capture
When you open the Capture panel in the web application and click Play ▶ button the WebRTC socket between browser and backend is created (I have used the aiortc python library). To make it working in the Chrome browser we need two things:
use TLS for web application - the self signed certificate is already configured in the nginx
allow Camera to be used for the application - you have to set it in the browser
Now we can stream the image from camera to the browser (I have used OpenCV library to fetch the image from microscope through usb).
When we decide to capture specific frame and click Plus ✚ button the backend saves the current frame into project bucket of minio storage.
The annotation engine is based on the Via Image Annotator. Here you can see all images you have captured for specific project. There are a lot of features eg. switching between images (left/right arrow), zoom in/out (+/-) and of course annotation tools with different shapes (currently the training algorithm expects the rectangles) and attributes (by default the class attribute is added which is also expected by the training algorithm).
This is rather painstaking and manual task thus when you will finish remember to save the annotations by clicking save button (currently there is no auto save). When you save the project the project file (with the via schema) is saved in the project bucket.
When we finish image annotation we can start model training. As mentioned before it is split into three stages.
Data package
At the beginning we have to prepare data package (which contains captured images and our annotations) by clicking the DATA button.
Training server
Then we drag and drop the data package to the application placed on machine with higher compute capabilities.
After upload the training server automatically extracts the data package, splits into train/test data and starts training.
Currently I have used the MobileNet V2 model architecture and I base on the pretrained tensorflow model.
When the training is finished the model is exported using TensorRT which optimizes the model inference performance especially on NVIDIA devices like Jetson Nano.
During and after training you can inspect all models using builtin tensorboard.
The web application periodically check training state and when the training is finished we can download the model.
Uploading model
Finally we upload the TensorRT model back to the Jetson Nano device. The model is saved into selected project bucket thus you can use multiple models for each project.
Object detection
On the Execute panel we can choose model from the drop down list (where we have list of models uploaded for selected project) and load the model clicking RUN (typically it take same time to load the model). When we click Play ▶ button the application shows real time object detection. If we want to change the model we can click CLEAR and then choose and RUN another model.
Additionally we can fetch additional detection statistics which are sent using Web Socket. Currently the number of detected items and average width, height, score are returned.
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